Mar 25, 2005

"A Matter of Heart", by MaharajiMaharaji
When we experience joy, Maharaji says, our day becomes beautiful. We have an opportunity to enjoy each day of our life, he says; real enjoyment comes when this heart is fulfilled.

Read an excerpt and see photos or download the print version

When You Are Thirsty

Maharaji talks about every human being’s aspiration for peace, love, truth. No matter what name we call it, there is a basic need to quench that thirst.

Download MP3.

Mar 23, 2005

"Accepting Happiness" by MaharajiMaharajiIf we want more happiness, Maharaji says, we need to see what we’ve already been given. In every breath there is so much joy, he says, that if we could accept it, there would be no limit to happiness.

Read an excerpt of the address and see photos, or download the print version

Mar 7, 2005

Maharaji Invited by Rotary International

Maharaji was invited by Rotary International to address a distinguished audience of civic, business, and government leaders at the National Center for Performing Arts in Mumbai, India. He was introduced by the district governor of Rotary International. "Each day that comes is a gift," Maharaji said, "and when we understand the value of every moment, we can discover the way life is meant to be lived—in joy, gratitude, and beauty."

Read an excerpt and see photos or download the print version