Dec 26, 2006

Prem Rawat: "Where Peace Begins"

Prem Rawat at UNIPAZ
“Where does peace begin?” asks Maharaji. “For as long as there have been human beings, there has been a desire for peace. The need for peace comes from within. Peace is the desire of the heart.”
Read an excerpt and see photos or download the print version

Dec 8, 2006

The Prem Rawat Foundation: Five Years of Giving

The Prem Rawat Foundation: Five Years of Giving
Inspire interviews Linda Pascotto, president of the The Prem Rawat Foundation, to learn about the Foundation’s humanitarian efforts and its outlook for the future.
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Prem Rawat - "What You Perceive"

Maharaji Prem Rawat
Maharaji talks about the importance of each person seeing what they have been given, based on their own individual experience, and fulfilling their truest thirst in life. "How much of what you perceive is because you have experienced it," he asks, "and how much of what you perceive is looking at this world through somebody else’s eyes?"
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Maharaji - "The Reflection of Peace"

Maharaji / Prem Rawat
The absence of war is not peace, Maharaji says, just a reflection of peace. Peace begins in the heart of every human being, he says. “When we are in that equilibrium where our hearts are full, our true nature shines…and that is the place of true peace.”
Read an excerpt from this address by Maharaji or download the print version

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Nov 21, 2006

The Prem Rawat Foundation partners with Oxfam to bring water to the Middle East

The Prem Rawat Foundation partners with Oxfam to bring water to the Middle East
Responding to the recent Mideast humanitarian crisis, TPRF has made a significant contribution to Oxfam to bring clean drinking water, install water tanks, and rehabilitate sanitation facilities. Oxfam funds are used to save lives and reduce human suffering wherever it occurs on all sides of the conflict.

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Nov 7, 2006

"Work in Progress", by Prem Rawat

Maharaji Prem Rawat"Living life should be a beautiful thing every day," Maharaji says. "This is about living your life … with a feeling. Not just to think of being alive, but to actually feel alive every single day. That is the possibility."

Read an excerpt and see photos or download the print version
Prem Rawat Honored by International University of PeaceMaharaji Prem Rawat UnipazPrem Rawat was invited to deliver a keynote address at the International Festival of Peace held at Unipaz, the International University of Peace in Florianopolis, Brazil. The rector of the university, Pierre Weil, gave Prem Rawat the honorary title of Ambassador for Peace saying, "You don’t need a certificate, because your mission is to help people find where peace is, to help open a spring of peace in their hearts. But many people need to know who the Ambassadors for Peace are, they need to know whom to look for, search for—that is why we are giving you the title of Ambassador for Peace."

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Prem Rawat Honored by International University of Peace<

Maharaji Prem Rawat UnipazPrem Rawat was invited to deliver a keynote address at the International Festival of Peace held at Unipaz, the International University of Peace in Florianopolis, Brazil. The rector of the university, Pierre Weil, gave Prem Rawat the honorary title of Ambassador for Peace saying, "You don’t need a certificate, because your mission is to help people find where peace is, to help open a spring of peace in their hearts. But many people need to know who the Ambassadors for Peace are, they need to know whom to look for, search for—that is why we are giving you the title of Ambassador for Peace."

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Oct 3, 2006

Prem Rawat Honored by New York Governor Pataki

Albany, New York, August 28, 2006 — Prem Rawat has received a letter of commendation from the governor of the State of New York for his efforts in bringing a message of peace to people around the world for four decades.

Citing Prem Rawat’s “lifelong message of inspiration to humankind” and the humanitarian initiatives of The Prem Rawat Foundation, George E. Pataki, the governor of New York, wrote:

“You are recognized for your commitment to building a better world — one strengthened by greater unity and understanding within our society. This is the valuable purpose to which you have dedicated your own life and well expressed by the meaningful words you have conveyed to audiences worldwide.

“With compassionate vision, you have exemplified these important ideas through your internationally-renowned philanthropic work on behalf of critical causes and your ongoing efforts to encourage respect among all peoples and nations of the world. Such a significant record of contribution to global peace is indeed deserving of appreciation.

“In reflecting upon all that we have to be grateful for, we remain one family for mankind that shares a pledge to serve others today and to make a positive difference for future generations. Best wishes in carrying out your meaningful work.”

More than 10 million people have come to hear the message of peace of Prem Rawat, widely known as Maharaji. This message is now made available in more than 88 countries and 70 languages. From the Australian Parliament to Harvard University and Oxford University, he is regularly invited to present his message in prestigious forums worldwide.

Prem Rawat also spearheads significant humanitarian initiatives through The Prem Rawat Foundation, whose aim is to help improve the quality of life for people most in need. The Foundation’s efforts have brought relief and food aid to victims of many natural disasters, including millions of free meals to people in need on every continent.

Discover more about Prem Rawat, his message of peace and humanitarian activities.

House Majority Leader in Maine Honors Prem Rawat’s Message of Peace

Augusta, Maine, August 15 — Glenn Cummings, House Majority Leader from Maine, wrote Prem Rawat a letter of commendation that said: “I am writing to extend the gratitude of so many Maine citizens who have found peace and enlightenment through your teaching.

“Your message has resonated with many Maine people through the broadcast of Words of Peace television program, which airs in two of our state’s largest communities, Portland and Biddeford, and a film documenting your efforts is expected to soon air on local cable television across the state.

“During a time of such political unrest in the world, it is promising to know that foundations like yours are working so hard to spread messages of peace. It is also encouraging that Mainers who are active in your foundation are bringing meaningful aid to those most in need of food and water and shelter. Many Maine people offer their thanks.”

More than 10 million people have sought inspiration and guidance from Prem Rawat, widely known as Maharaji. His message is now made available in more than 88 countries and 70 languages.

Words of Peace, the weekly television series featuring highlights from Prem Rawat’s message of peace, received the highest award from The Brazilian Association of Community Channels. The president of this association said that the award honored the quality of the message of peace as much as the contribution made by this program to the cause of inner peace in Brazil.

Through The Prem Rawat Foundation, Prem Rawat also spearheads significant humanitarian initiatives. The Foundation provides hot meals, clean water, medical attention, and disaster relief to people in need on four continents. Recently, the Foundation has brought millions of free meals to people in need in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Niger, Côte d’Ivoire, Guatemala, Mexico, Grenada, and the U.S. and has made significant grants to effective relief organizations such as the United Nations World Food Programme.

Prem Rawat Receives Humanitarian Award at the United Nations in New York

New York, NY, April 21, 2006 — Prem Rawat delivered the keynote address at a special event held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York in honor of the support provided by The Prem Rawat Foundation to the United Nations Development Programme’s Community Water Initiative in Ghana and The National Council of Women of the United States’ Water Well Project in Ghana.

The event, called “Water for Humanity and Peace,” was attended by distinguished representatives of the United Nations in New York, as well as by government and civic leaders from the New York area.

Prem Rawat, widely known as Maharaji, presented on behalf of his Foundation a significant contribution for the Water Governance Programme in Ghana to Terence Jones, Director of the UN Capacity Development Group. He also presented a contribution to Mary Singletary, President of the National Council of Women of the United States.

These contributions will provide clean drinking water and sanitation for thousands of men, women, and children in villages in Ghana. New electric wells will be installed, allowing villagers to get clean underground water rather than have to walk miles for contaminated river water.

Thanking Prem Rawat, Terence Jones said: “What, indeed, is fundamental to our work these days is not only to deliver those human rights, but to do so in a manner which contributes to sustainable peace and development. So, therefore, let me join others in thanking Prem Rawat and his colleagues at the Foundation for this generous contribution to forwarding the program for clean water in the remote areas of Ghana. On behalf of the United Nations Development Programme and my colleagues here today, especially, thank you again for bringing so much joy and peace to so many people in this world.”

Presenting the Distinguished International Humanitarian Achievement Award to Prem Rawat, Mary Singletary said: “We are very, very appreciative of this gift and want to thank all of the contributors, the Board, and of course Prem Rawat, on behalf of the women, the babies, the children, and families who will have a healthier life due to your humanitarian generosity. With this gift from The Prem Rawat Foundation, we will be able to install more wells and make it possible for thousands of villagers in Ghana to drink clean water.”

“This award is given to you, Prem Rawat,” she said, “in recognition of outstanding leadership, profound commitment, and exceptional contributions to the quality of life for women, children, and families, and for the inspirational global influence of your message: peace comes when we begin to look within. We thank you for your humanitarian efforts and your financial support of the Water Well Initiative in Ghana, West Africa.”

The National Council of Women is the oldest, non-sectarian volunteer organization of women in America. It was founded in 1888, but its roots began in the antislavery movement, and its founders include Susan B. Anthony, whose likeness appears on the American silver dollar, and Clara Barton, who founded the American Red Cross. The National Council of Women is a United Nations NGO with consultative status, the highest status a non-governmental organization can achieve within the UN.

To discover more about Prem Rawat, his message of peace and humanitarian activities:

Source: The Prem Rawat Foundation, 310-392-5700

Sep 7, 2006

"Human Nature" by Prem Rawat

Maharaji / Prem RawatWhen a person is happy and content, Maharaji says, they actually become kind. The contentment people seek is found within, he says, and “it is that individual peace that needs to be sought, acknowledged, and achieved in this lifetime.>
Read an excerpt of this address by Maharaji or download the print version

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Prem Rawat Foundation to Expand its Aid Efforts in Indonesia

The Prem Rawat Foundation expands aid efforts in Indonesia
The Prem Rawat Foundation is expanding disaster-relief aid to the victims of a series of earthquakes and the tsunami that hit Java between May and July this year. Dr. Michael Ricos, one of the disaster-relief managers, visited a village and expressed his gratitude saying: “My hands were firmly grasped by an elderly lady with tears in her eyes and a smile that said it all.”
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Aug 23, 2006

Maharaji - "A Gift Unparalleled"

Watch a video clip of Maharaji's address
Prem Rawat talks about the uniqueness of every human being, the incredible gift that it is to be alive, and the understanding that everything a person could ever want, they already have.
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Prem Rawat Welcomed by Malaysia's Chinese Community

Prem Rawat Welcomed by Malaysia's Chinese Community
Prem Rawat delivered in Kuala Lumpur the keynote address at an event held at the Grand Hall of the Malay Chinese Association for members of the Malaysian Chinese community. He addressed university officials, faculty, and students, as well as government, civic, and business leaders from the Chinese community. He emphasized that everyone must find peace for himself first before helping to bring peace to the world.
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Prem Rawat - "Looking Deeper"

Maharaji Prem Rawat
What does a person really know to be true about their life—Maharaji asks—not because they heard it or read it, but because they have experienced it? The nature of a human being is always to search for a real experience, he says, of peace, tranquility.
Read an excerpt from Prem Rawat's address and see photos or download the print version

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Aug 9, 2006

Prem Rawat Foundation Helps Victims Recover from Earthquake in Java<

The Prem Rawat Foundation Helps Victims Recover from Earthquake in JavaAfter repeated earthquakes and a tsunami hit Java, Indonesia, The Prem Rawat Foundation gave a grant to the Indonesian Development of Education and Permaculture (IDEP) Foundation to feed 900 people for three weeks. The coordinator of the Disaster Management Department, Dr. Ricos, said that the people in villages benefiting from this grant are “difficult to access and are not being targeted by other relief organizations.”
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Maharaji – "Love That Which Is Within"

Prem Rawat / MaharajiThe essential nature of human beings, Maharaji says, is the truest love. “If you want to be in love,” he says, “fall in love with that which is within you. Fall in love with living.”
Read an excerpt and see photos or download the print version

Aug 1, 2006

'Whatever It Takes', by Prem Rawat

Maharaji Prem Rawat
In all the things that a person understands, Maharaji says that one matters most: understanding the self. “What you are looking for is inside,” he says, not outside. He suggests that each person does “whatever it takes to find that self and fulfill that self.”
Read an excerpt of Maharaji's address and see photos or download the print version

The Prem Rawat Foundation Helps Rebuild Homes and Lives in Mexico<

Prem Rawat Foundation Helps Rebuild Homes and Lives in Mexico
For the second time this year, The Prem Rawat Foundation has donated construction materials to provide replacement roofing for homes in the Cancun area devastated by Hurricane Wilma, bringing the total assistance there to 600 roofs for more than 3,000 people. Armando Garcia España, a recipient, said, “This help comes at the perfect time for me and my family, especially since the rainy season has begun again.”
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Jul 17, 2006

Maharaji - "Open the Door"

Whatch a video clip of Maharaji's address
Maharaji talks about a peace that is not imagined, but is a reality. To have this peace, he says, a person only needs to open the door of the heart and let in the breeze that is waiting to be felt.
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Where Is Freedom? - by Prem Rawat

Prem Rawat / Maharaji
Prem Rawat speaks about the freedom every person has within them—the freedom to feel joy and clarity that lies in the depths of a human being no matter what is happening.
Read an excerpt from Prem Rawat's address and see photos or download the print version

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Prem Rawat Delivers Keynote Address at Rotary International Convention

Prem Rawat Delivers Keynote Address at Rotary International ConventionOn June 9, at the Pre-Convention Meeting held by Rotaract, he addressed delegates from 45 countries in Malmo, Sweden. Rotaract is a Rotary-sponsored service club for professionals, usually community based or university based. Prem Rawat said, “Within you is an infinite ocean of peace. Within you is an infinite ocean of joy. Within you is an infinite ocean of the potential to succeed—the ocean of success.”
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Read an excerpt of Prem Rawat’s address at this event

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Jun 26, 2006

Looking for Joy - by Maharaji

Maharaji / Prem Rawat
Maharaji compares a human life to a construction site—a work in progress that can become more magnificent than the greatest works of art.
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Prem Rawat - "The Lion Who Believed He Was a Sheep"Maharaji /Prem Rawat-14
“What does it mean to know the self that you are?” asks Maharaji. He tells a simple story of a lion cub who believed he was a sheep until he was shown who he truly was. In the same way, Maharaji says, we need to discover the true self that is the reality for each one of us.
Read an excerpt and see photos or download the print version

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The Prem Rawat Foundation Brings Food Aid to the PhilippinesPrem Rawat Foundation brings food aid to people in need in the Philippines
After a massive landslide in the eastern Philippines, The Prem Rawat Foundation made a generous donation to the Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC) to provide nutritious food packs for 190 families for two months.
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The Prem Rawat Foundation Brings Food Aid to the Philippines

img src="" height="80" width="120" border="1" align="right" hspace="4" vspace="4" alt="Prem Rawat Foundation brings food aid to people in need in the Philippines" title="Prem Rawat Foundation brings food aid to people in need in the Philippines" />
After a massive landslide in the eastern Philippines, The Prem Rawat Foundation made a generous donation to the Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC) to provide nutritious food packs for 190 families for two months.
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Jun 14, 2006

Maharaji - 'An Endless Mine of Peace'

Maharaji / Prem Rawat
“There is a quest,” Maharaji says, that “moves and inspires each human being.” And there is “a peace that resides in every human being,” he says—an endless mine. “When you dig an endless mine…the only thing you can do is keep digging and digging and digging.”
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The Prem Rawat Foundation Provides Food Aid to Earthquake Survivors in Indonesia

The Prem Rawat Foundation provides food aid<br />TPRF Provides Food Aid to Earthquake Survivors in Indonesia<br />TPRF Provides Food Aid to Earthquake Survivors in Indonesia
After a magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck the island of Java in Indonesia and displaced over 200,000 people, The Prem Rawat Foundation partnered with the UN World Food Programme’s relief operations in Indonesia to provide emergency food aid to survivors.
Your donations to this effort are most appreciated.
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(photo courtesy of WFP/Rein Skullerud)

May 29, 2006

Prem Rawat: "The Drum of Breath"

Maharaji / Prem RawatExistence is a miracle, Prem Rawat says, and with this life come unlimited possibilities. In each of us beats the drum of breath, he says, and when we begin to listen to that inner rhythm, we can truly feel alive—we can become “dazzled by that miracle.”
Read an excerpt from Maharaji's address and see photos or download the print version

The Prem Rawat Foundation Holds Successful Eye Clinic in India

Eye Clinic - The Prem Rawat Foundation
The Prem Rawat Foundation recently sponsored a two-day free vision clinic in a remote tribal area in Jharkhand, in northern India, where certified optometrists and ophthalmologists donated their time and expertise to help some of the poorest in India. Nearly 2,000 consultations were completed. This was the fourth vision clinic held by the Foundation in the last two years.
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May 1, 2006

Prem Rawat - 'The Ocean in the Drop'Maharaji / Prem RawatOur life is like a drop that has separated itself from the ocean, Maharaji says, and “in this drop . . . resides an infinite ocean of peace.” Becoming aware of this ocean, he says, brings joy, happiness, and real peace.

Read an excerpt from Prem Rawat's address and see photos or download the print version

Prem Rawat Addresses Enthusiastic Audience in Spain

Maharaji In BarcelonaA capacity audience came to hear Prem Rawat speak at a recent event in Barcelona. For some, it was their first time to hear him in person. One attendee from Madrid commented that listening to Prem Rawat's message inspired him to “want to discover that ocean of peace he was talking about.”

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Apr 4, 2006

Prem Rawat - 'The Importance of a Drop'

Maharaji / Prem Rawat-10
We don’t give much importance to a drop, Prem Rawat says, but one drop of water unites with other drops to form a mighty river. Each of us is like a drop, he says, that wants to unite with an ocean of joy in our heart. “We can be united with such an ocean,” he says. “As long as we are alive, we can experience that joy.”
Read an excerpt from Prem Rawat's address and see photos or download the print version

Prem Rawat on tour - A Conversation with Deepak Raj Bandhari

Prem Rawat troun of India, March 2006
Since the beginning of March, Prem Rawat has been traveling throughout rural India, speaking at events in places where people have not heard him before. As part of the accompanying crew that helps with these events, Deepak Raj Bandhari has been able to witness firsthand the impact Prem Rawat and his message are having on the people who come to hear him speak. In this interview, Deepak describes what he has seen.
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Mar 24, 2006

Maharaji Inaugurates First 'Food for People' Facility in Northeastern India

Maharaji, has inaugurated a new facility which will provide free hot meals each day year-round to people in a tribal area in Jharkhand, northeastern India. "Food for People" is a custom-built, well-equipped 10,000 sq. ft. facility providing 45,000 free meals of their liking to people in need each month. Hot meals are served to 500 children every morning and evening and to 500 adults every afternoon.

The opening of the first "Food for People" marks the launch of an innovative model of food aid by the The Prem Rawat Foundation (TPRF), developed and operated in consultation with local village elders. With support from Raj Vidya Kender, the organization that promotes Prem Rawat's message of peace in India, a 6-acre plot of land was purchased, and a well-equipped facility was built. Fifty villagers were then trained to operate the facility at the highest sanitary and nutritional standards.

Dr. Kamal Chand Singhal, representing the World Health Organization at the inauguration, said: "This valiant effort directly supports the efforts of the World Health Organization. The healthy food and clean water provided each day by Prem Rawat's Foundation at this impressive facility will help many children and adults in Jharkhand become less vulnerable to disease and death, and go on to live healthy lives. This is a noble and generous initiative, for which Prem Rawat and his Foundation need to be acknowledged and wholeheartedly thanked."

Linda Pascotto, president of TPRF, said: "The initiative was born from the vision of Prem Rawat, who has brought his message of peace to Jharkhand in recent years. When he first came to this area and saw the undernourished children, he envisioned how proper nutrition could help them get healthy, acquire a better education, and later hold jobs to support themselves and their families. This initiative pioneers Prem Rawat's vision to bring the food-aid help where needed, in a manner that maximizes the resources available and compels the local people to become involved and take ownership. For the first time, when people in Bantoli wake up in the morning, they are assured of having a hot meal and are able to focus on taking care of their families. We are grateful for the support and collaboration provided by the village elders as we developed the project."

The tribal area in Jharkhand is one of the poorest areas in India. Many people work in mines, but conditions are brutal, and many die on the job. Women and children labor alongside the men, working more than 10 hours a day for an annual income of less than $100. Others subsist by farming, gathering forest products, and raising small animals. Field laborers go for days without food, chewing a root plant that kills the appetite. Seventy-five percent of the women are underweight, which in turn leads to increased mortality in childbirth. For children under 5, the mortality rate is twice that of the rest of India.

Discover more about Prem Rawat and The Prem Rawat Foundation

Mar 21, 2006

'Lake of Joy' - by Prem Rawat

Lake of Joy - by Prem RawatMaharaji Prem Rawat-9The experience of joy is the best thing in life, Prem Rawat says, and when we turn within, we can experience the joy and fulfillment we long for. For those who are thirsty for that joy, he offers help: “If you can’t find it,” he says, “come to me. I have a lake full of joy.”

Read an excerpt and see photos from Prem Rawat's address or download the print version

Maharaji Brings Message of Hope to Indian Villagers

During the past few weeks, Prem Rawat visited many remote villages in India, addressing more than 175,000 people, and then went to New Delhi for a three-day international event. One participant, who had attended several of these events, said that Prem Rawat's message is the same for all people, whether rich or poor.

Read more about Prem Rawat's visit to India

Mar 11, 2006

Prem Rawat - 'The Basic Wish'

Maharaji / Prem Rawat
Each of us has a basic wish for joy and peace in our life, Prem Rawat says, but sometimes other priorities get in the way—like a fog that obscures our vision. When we put the priority to be content at the top of our list, he says, there is no limit to the joy we can feel in our lives.
Read an excerpt from this address by Prem Rawat and see photos or download the print version

Feb 23, 2006

Prem Rawat - 'The Most Incredible Dream'

Maharaji / Prem Rawat
We dream of so many things, Maharaji says, but of all the things we could wish for, the most wonderful would be contentment, peace, joy. Dreams can come true, he says, even this most incredible one, because joy and love are truly possible in our life.
Read an excerpt and see photos from this address by Prem Rawat or download the print version

Prem Rawat Addresses International Audience in Florida

Prem Rawat in Florida
Prem Rawat, known also by the honorary title Maharaji, addressed a capacity audience at the Broward County Convention Center. People from 22 countries came to seek his inspiration and guidance.

Speaking before Prem Rawat, Joan Apter, a New York resident, recalled meeting him in India when he was 12 years old: “I loved watching how he enjoyed explaining his message to people and seeing their response to the possibility of fulfillment. His passion, his enthusiasm, never changes.”

Mario Burbinski, a Miami resident who recently learned Prem Rawat’s techniques for finding peace within, talked about how he had searched for contentment and the enjoyment he found listening to Prem Rawat: “Listening to him, I've learned that life is more than words. And I've learned that a good teacher holds up a mirror for me to see myself.”

Prem Rawat, addressing the audience, asked, “What do you dream of? Do you dream of contentment? Do you dream of peace? Do you dream of fulfillment? Do you dream of that beautiful happiness? The most incredible dream, the most incredible wish anybody could ever wish, has come true. How beautiful is the news that you can be content. Truly, joy is possible in your life.”

Michelle Spinella, PhD. and researcher at the Florida Department of Health, commented on the event: “I’ve known Prem Rawat for many years. I continue to listen to him because he always inspires me to be the best that I can be. I enjoy his humor and his down-to-earth perspective on what could be a very complex life, but he makes it possible to live life in simple happiness.”

Hilton Seibert, 20, a student at Ramapo College, New Jersey, attended the event with his mother and sister: “He made me think about things I haven’t thought about before, the way he looks at life. There’s no filler. Every word he speaks is meaningful.”

Listening to Prem Rawat had a profound impact on Lucy Laccavole, 40, who lost her home, job, and all her belongings to Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. "I felt my life was destroyed. He said not to stop dreaming, and that really meant a lot to me. I lost everything, but through it all, I have kept hope.”

Prem Rawat started traveling, presenting his message of peace 40 years ago, since July 1966. “It’s been 40 years," he said. “I am privileged to bring people such good news. I’m on my way to say it again and again, for as long as I am alive.”

Discover more about Prem Rawat, his message of hope and peace, and the humanitarian activities of The Prem Rawat Foundation.

Feb 6, 2006

'Incumbent upon Us' by Prem Rawat

Maharaji / Prem Rawat
his world, Maharaji says, is like a massive building made up of many small components—human beings—and in order for the structure to be solid, each individual must also be solid. In the same way, for the whole world to have peace, he says, it is incumbent upon each person to find the peace that already lies within the heart.
Read an excerpt and see photos or download the print version.

Leading Cultural TV Channel Features Maharaji’s Message of Peace

ARTV, a prestigious arts channel in Chile, airs a program called “La Posibilidad” (The Possibility), which features Prem Rawat’s message of peace. Because of its success, the broadcasts have been increased to four days a week and now reach people in 20 cities. The number of viewers is growing each week, and one of the programming managers said, “Every time this program is aired, more and more people have the possibility to hear this outstanding message.”
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Jan 25, 2006

Foundation of Reality - by Maharaji

Maharaji / Prem Rawat
Every day holds a joy that is fresh and beautiful, Maharaji says, and that experience is the foundation of life itself. Like opening a window so that the sunshine can come in, he says, all it takes for us to be able to feel that beauty is to open this heart and let the joy in.
Read an excerpt from Maharaji's address, and see photos or download the print version

Jan 18, 2006

The Prem Rawat Foundation Brings Relief Aid to Mexico after Hurricane WilmaCANCUN, Mexico, Jan. 18 -- A generous donation by TPRF provided roofing for 200 homes in two of the poorest neighborhoods near Cancun devastated by Hurricane Wilma. More than 1,000 residents in the communities of Zetina Gasca and El Milagro (Spanish for "The Miracle") were recipients of this help from The Prem Rawat Foundation.

The entire project was organized by students of Prem Rawat, who is known internationally by the honorary title Maharaji. A team of nine volunteers surveyed the neighborhoods and spoke to residents to see who needed help. They hired trucks and six people to bring 25 tons of roofing materials from the city of Merida-about a four-hour drive from Cancun-and then they personally delivered the materials.

The team completed the deliveries in two nine-hour days. According to the project manager, Michael Dorfman, owner of a local art gallery, "It was wonderful to see the response of the people, one of tremendous gratitude."

A team member, Pedro De Leon Pesqueira, a veterinarian, said, "I have observed that people who have the least seem to have been most affected by Hurricane Wilma. Many of them have been out of work, and their children became ill because of the rainy, cold weather. They did not know how to ask for help. Some were disheartened and reticent to believe that help would actually be provided. It was a very gratifying experience to bring help directly to their homes."

One of the recipients, Ernestina Pamol, said, "Thanks to you, I can now repair my little home. Thank you for sending us the help we need."

Gisela Edmai, a housewife, added, "I have a plastic covering over my house, but it moves a lot and doesn't cover everything, and a lot of water comes in. Now help has come. Now we will have a solid roof over our heads."

Another recipient, Rosa Almeida, asked that a message be sent to Prem Rawat. "I hope that you receive in return what you have given us," she said. "I don't know who you are, but I, and all of us, thank you with all our hearts for what you are doing. It is fantastic that a person so far away would worry about us."

The delivery was made between New Year's Day and Jan. 6, "Three Kings Day," which is a special gift-giving holiday in Mexico. For the volunteers, it was a "great joy."

Delia Ortega, a project volunteer, said, "We were very happy with the results. It was an honor to represent Prem Rawat and his Foundation by extending this hand towards helping our community. The warm glances of the people, their surprised smiles and gratitude, were a gift for us all."

The Prem Rawat Foundation promotes the message of peace of Prem Rawat and supports significant humanitarian initiatives.

To discover more about Prem Rawat, known also as Maharaji, his message of peace and humanitarian activities, visit: The Prem Rawat Foundation

Jan 12, 2006

Banner Year for Maharaji's Message of Peace

Maharaji / Prem RawatLast year, more than 1.7 million people sought Maharaj’s inspiration and guidance at over 30 events worldwide. His audiences varied from government and civic leaders to villagers in remote areas. The Prem Rawat Foundation, established to help people most in need, responded promptly and generously to natural disasters across the globe, providing food aid to people in need.

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Jan 4, 2006

Sky TV (Eurobird) Brings Maharaji’s “Words of Peace” into Homes across UK in over 30 Countries in EuropePrem Rawat at Sky Tv
“Words of Peace,” a half-hour award-winning series which features Maharaji’s message of peace, is now being broadcast every day on Sky TV’s open access channel, allowing this program to reach homes in the UK and over 30 countries in Western and Central Europe. Gordon Richards, who helped launch the project, said, “The potential for bringing this message to so many people is phenomenal.”
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