Apr 4, 2006

Prem Rawat - 'The Importance of a Drop'

Maharaji / Prem Rawat-10
We don’t give much importance to a drop, Prem Rawat says, but one drop of water unites with other drops to form a mighty river. Each of us is like a drop, he says, that wants to unite with an ocean of joy in our heart. “We can be united with such an ocean,” he says. “As long as we are alive, we can experience that joy.”
Read an excerpt from Prem Rawat's address and see photos or download the print version

Prem Rawat on tour - A Conversation with Deepak Raj Bandhari

Prem Rawat troun of India, March 2006
Since the beginning of March, Prem Rawat has been traveling throughout rural India, speaking at events in places where people have not heard him before. As part of the accompanying crew that helps with these events, Deepak Raj Bandhari has been able to witness firsthand the impact Prem Rawat and his message are having on the people who come to hear him speak. In this interview, Deepak describes what he has seen.
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