Dec 24, 2003

Interview with Maharaji at SkyRadio

A 13 min. interview with Maharaji, as heard on American Airlines, Delta and United Airlines on all flights above 2 hours worldwide.

Listen to the interview (QuickTime)

Radio Interview with Maharaji

A 7 min. interview with Maharaji as heard on the web radio station of Selling Power magazine.
Listen to the radio interview (QuickTime)

Dec 17, 2003

Record-Breaking Crowds Listen to Maharaji

PRNEWSWIRE Los Angeles, December 18, 2003. Prem Rawat, known also as Maharaji, just concluded a 16-city tour of the Indian subcontinent during which more than 900,000 people sought his inspiration and guidance.

Between October 29 and December 10, he held events in 11 locations. 200,000 attended the event in Varanasi and 150,000 in Kanpur. More than 50,000 came to hear him in Faridabad, Agra, Ambela, Delhi, Koto, Jaipur, and Lucknow.

At the end of the tour, people interested in Knowledge, a practical way that Maharaji offers for finding peace within, participated in a countrywide interactive follow-up event where they were able to ask him questions. More than 600,000 participated from 1,116 centers equipped with satellite dishes. They interacted with Maharaji via audio feeds, and Maharaji responded via satellite video feed from Delhi, where the event originated before 28,000 people. 1,125 questions were sent in from 59 locations during an enthusiastic exchange that lasted more than 90 minutes.

For H. V. Nagappa of Raj Vidya Kender, which promotes and disseminates Maharaji’s message in India, “As India becomes a vibrant modern country, people’s thirst for finding peace within is growing as well. The strength and purity of Maharaji’s message stands out, and it is a great pleasure to see him receive such an enthusiastic welcome. While the numbers are impressive, they are only a beginning. Maharaji started to hold events outside Delhi only a few months ago. Hundreds of cities are inviting Maharaji to visit. Starting in February 2004, he will be holding events in Southern India, as well as in the North, and record-breaking crowds are expected.”

Linda Pascotto, President of The Prem Rawat Foundation, which promotes and disseminates Maharaji’s message outside India, expressed: “The tremendous welcome which Maharaji has received during this tour marks the dawn of a new era of recognition for him and his message of peace. He mentioned once at the United Nations Conference Center in Bangkok that “when people in the world are at peace, the world will be at peace.” One person at a time, Maharaji is making an extraordinary contribution toward making this world a better place to live. It is a great joy to see him receive the recognition that he and his message deserve.”

To read excerpts from a recent address by Maharaji, please visit:

Maharaji - "A Life Made Real"

Following is a brief excerpt from an address by Prem Rawat (Maharaji) in Bangkok, Thailand.

"Every day that we are alive, the most incredible miracle takes place. And it comes in the form of a breath—an irreplaceable breath. One at a time—not two, three, four—one at a time it comes. And every time it comes and touches us, it brings us the gift of life. And here we are.

Do we recognize our potential? We have a possibility—like a seed—that can be planted in the field of our heart, where it can grow and bring us the one fruit that throughout history people have always wanted and admired. It has been called many names—fulfillment, peace, joy, harmony.

We are all so similar. And so is our yearning. This heart in every one of us yearns to be fulfilled. We look for beauty; we want to feel peace. But the beauty and the peace are within us. I offer what I call Knowledge—Knowledge of the self—a way to be able to go within and see that beauty and feel that peace. We need to be fulfilled in our life.

I don’t have anything to sell. How can I sell something that you already have? What I am talking about is already within you. I’m not talking about a makeover; I’m talking about getting a mirror so you can see what you already have and experience your life in every moment, every breath.

I know we are all busy, but we cannot afford to forget what we have been given. It is time in our lives to begin to recognize that we are alive, that we have the possibility to be fulfilled. And that peace is very possible. But until the seed is sown, it will remain elusive.

It begins with recognizing the need for fulfillment; it begins with you. One journey completed. One journey taken in surety. One life made real.

Knowledge is possible, and it is available. Listen and make sure that this is what you want. If you want help, I’m here. The peace that you need is within you."

Dec 15, 2003

New Blog - Around the Planet

A new blog is now posted with reports with events with Maharaji

Dec 11, 2003

What People Say

A weblog of voices around the world about Maharaji and Knowledge.

New features has been enhanced and beyond providing information on local resources in your region, events with Maharaji (Prem Rawat), and news, it now includes:

  • An enhanced graphic design, look, and feel

  • A video stream of the 60 seconds TV spot currently playing in TV stations throughout North America

  • Musical pieces: chilled grooves with words from Maharaji

  • Video clips from recent addresses by Maharaji

  • and more....

Dec 9, 2003

Following is a brief excerpt from an address by Prem Rawat (Maharaji)

The Simplest Process

"Everyone is interested in peace; war often seems to be looming in the near future. War and peace the two words are so often said together. Let's remove the word war and talk about peace the peace that is felt in the heart of human beings. The peace that I talk about is the peace that we need even when there is no war. The peace that I talk about can be felt when the heart is still.

We think that peace is when countries stop fighting. It is good when that happens, but it is much better when we stop fighting within ourselves. The manifestation of wars is the macrocosm. We are the microcosm. The war needs to stop within each one of us.

Peace is within us, not out there. Peace is not the absence of war. Peace is when war has ended within me, when I have peace on the inside. That is true peace.

And to find peace on the inside is the simplest process of all because it is already there. It does not have to be created. It does not have to be manufactured. It has only to be discovered. Maybe the time has come to finally acknowledge that one very thing that we have not yet acknowledged. And when, in my life, I can begin to feel the necessity for peace, then at least I have played my part in bringing peace.

I travel the world bringing this message to people. And I hope people get something out of it. I m not preaching, nor am I teaching. All I m doing is presenting a possibility. Peace is important to me because when I look at the horizon and imagine this world without peace, it is a very grim prospect. And when I see the light on the horizon, I certainly hope it is the light of the peace that dances, waiting to shine in my life, in my time.

Yes, I have a dream that all civilizations, that all people on the face of the earth will be in peace. And people say to me, Isn t that reaching too far? Isn t that an impossible ideal?  And then I say to myself: Even if it is an ideal, it is the only ideal worth having. And if it is possible, then yes, it must be something that I can try to help bring about. That's what I do."

Dec 8, 2003

Charitable Medical Project in Mehrauli, India

LOS ANGELES, Nov. 14 /PRNewswire/ -- More than 850 eye consultations were arranged this week by The Prem Rawat Foundation, which promotes and disseminates around the world the message of peace of Prem Rawat, known also as Maharaji. Following a recent distribution of rice to refugees in the war- torn Ivory Coast, this clinic marks the expansion of the Foundation's charitable activities aimed at improving the quality of life for people in need. Ophthalmologists and optometrists at the eye clinic provided free consultations, medicines, and prescription glasses.

The clinic was held on November 4-5, 2003, in Mehrauli, India, in partnership with Raj Vidya Kender, which promotes Maharaji's message throughout the Indian subcontinent. The facility was staffed by six medical specialists, including three ophthalmologists. It included a covered area of 6,500 sq. ft. equipped with modern medical equipment. More than 850 consultations took place. As a result, hundreds of pairs of prescription eyeglasses were distributed to patients, who ranged in age from 6 to 97, and treatment was prescribed for those found to have eye infections.

Dr. Alfredo Fort, MD, PhD, Director of Research and Evaluation for several international health organizations and a former senior advisor with the World Health Organization, declared after inspecting the clinic: "The standards of this clinic, in terms of medical services, hygiene, and care are significantly above the norm. The consultations are truly individualized: each patient is escorted by a nurse, their individual eye history is studied, and customized care and spectacles are provided to all patients in need."

Ms. Linda Pascotto, President of The Prem Rawat Foundation, expressed: "Many millions of people worldwide are unable to see clearly simply because they have never had access to properly prescribed eyeglasses. Maharaji, The Prem Rawat Foundation, and Raj Vidya Kender seek to improve the quality of human life throughout the world. Recognizing the profound impact of diminished eyesight, they seek to provide high quality eye care to people most in need."

Maharaji has been invited to present his message of peace in October and November 2003 at eighteen events throughout the Indian subcontinent. More than 700,000 people are expected to attend.

Read an excerpt from a recent address by Maharaji

Dec 4, 2003

Prem Rawat Foundation Donates 45 Tons of Rice to War-Torn Ivory Coast

ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast, Aug. 19 /PRNewswire/ -- The Prem Rawat
Foundation, which promotes and disseminates the message of peace of internationally known Prem Rawat, today announced it has donated all the necessary funds to the Ivory Coast's Ministry of Solidarity and Social Services for the purchase 45 tons of rice. This government agency is directly responsible for aid distribution to assist refugees and victims of the civil war in this West African nation.

In appreciation of the gift, Mr. Eric Folquet, representing the Ministry of Solidarity and Social Services, said, "We are particularly moved by Prem Rawat's ideas, and I would like to emphasize how they have touched us, especially in light of what Ivory Coast has endured in recent months. We appreciate this donation as a gesture of solidarity toward our people."

Speaking on behalf of The Prem Rawat Foundation, Ms. Viviane Diallo Chiadon said, "The people who contributed to make this gift possible share one thing in common: they have been touched by Prem Rawat's message of hope and peace. He does not recommend a specific way of thinking, a religion, or a political course of action. He only brings a message of hope and peace and helps people find within themselves the peace which we are all looking for."

Recently addressing an enthusiastic crowd in Accra, Ghana, Prem Rawat, also known as Maharaji, remarked on the qualities that all human beings share: "When we come into life we all come with a longing to be fulfilled. Through all the journeys we take and all the things that we do, a voice within is calling us to be complete, to be in peace. People come to me who have nothing but a small piece of cloth to wear, and people come with the best of clothing. What I see is a human being who wants to be fulfilled. Ultimately, we all have the same desire. Wherever I go I remind people that what we need is peace in our lives and that that peace can be found within."

In addition to promoting Prem Rawat's core message of helping people find inner peace, the Foundation helps people in need around the world to improve the quality of their daily lives.

For more information visit The Prem Rawat Foundation website.

Nov 11, 2003

Maharaji Responds to Questions About Peace

We live in a world at war. Is it realistic to hope for world peace?
I used to be enamored of the idea of “world peace,” and it was a great thought to have. Then, as I started traveling throughout the world and meeting people, I realized there was no such thing. In all these years, I have never come across anything tangible that I could call the world. It is not the world that needs to be fixed; it is people. When people are at peace within, there will be world peace. Right now, people are fascinated by war.

Why is it that people create war?
War begins with denial. One group decides their cause is greater and the other group's cause does not exist. Causes become greater, and human beings are reduced to nothing.

People fight because they give more legitimacy to their causes than to human life. In their rationalizations, they have diminished the value of human life. The first time someone came up with the idea that a cause was greater than human life, the balance was upset, and it has continued to get worse.
Human beings will fight whenever they do not understand what life is all about because in wars, we squander life. War does not exist only on the battlefield. At home, without a war, we squander life.

Many humanists, philosophers, and world leaders have expressed that war starts within the minds of people. Would you agree with that?
World war can seem tame compared to the battle that rages within a human being. Lifetimes are destroyed in this battle; precious moments are sacrificed; total decimation can take place. The fight within is the biggest battle. We need to be in peace with ourselves because on our own battlefield, the “I” is being decimated.

The unrest within keeps us from finding true peace. As long as there is no peace within, there will always be war outside. The unrest of the body surely brings misery, but the misery that comes from the unrest of the heart is far worse. It has to be the most miserable thing there is. And yet, the heart has been enduring it for a long, long time.

How is it that we, as individuals, lose peace?
Each one of us has an invisible thief that follows us wherever we go. What does the thief do? He robs us. Neither doors, nor locks, nor alarms can stop him. This thief does not take money or clothes. He robs us of the most valuable assets we have. He robs us of joy, peace, contentment. He robs us of understanding. He robs us of all those things that are much more important than anything else. Anything else.

When we say, “I want peace in my life, but . . . I will pursue it later,” we give permission to this invisible thief to come in. This is his signal. All he has to hear is, “Not now,” and the thief says, “Here is someone I can rob because he is not protecting his most valuable asset. He is squandering it. He is throwing it away.” And in that moment we are robbed of what is most important to us.

Does everyone have an innate desire to seek and experience peace?
Within everyone, there is something that yearns for peace. In times of total chaos, there is a yearning for peace. When there is mistrust, there is a yearning for trust. When we are in pain, something within seeks a glimmer of hope, of relief.

A human being needs to love—to love and feel love. The question is, what is going to be the source of that love? A human being needs to trust, but what is going to be the source of that trust? What can be trusted that is trustworthy, that will provide the support that is needed in one's life? Similarly, there is no doubt that a human being needs peace. In fact, there is very little anyone can do about that. This is a thirst that is innate to all human beings. The question is, what is going to be the source of that peace?

How does one come to understand the peace you are speaking of?
Peace is not necessary in the mind; it is necessary in the heart. The mind and intellect cannot capture peace. They have a different function.

Peace, joy, and true happiness are not subjects for thinking. They can only be felt. There is a feeling behind being alive. There are no explanations for it. It is the feeling that one has to get to because that is where there is comfort; that is where there is joy, where there is satisfaction. It is in that feeling that we need to live our lives. Somehow, we think that we need an explanation of what peace is, but peace cannot be explained; it can only be felt.

Fulfillment needs to be felt. When we are fulfilled, something inside of us very particularly says, “Yes, I am fulfilled.” For a thirsty person, not even a thousand pictures of other people drinking water will do any good. Only drinking water will do.

Where can peace be found?
It is in every individual. And it is up to each individual to say, “I want peace in my life.” Societies do not have peace. Societies do not exist; governments do not exist—just people. Peace is a simple thing. It is to be felt by the individual. When we forget the meaning of being at peace, and only grab onto formulas for creating peace, we have problems.

What I am talking about is peace within—my peace—not peace outside. Many people think peace will come when they control every single element in their lives. That will not happen. That is not within their reach. It is not within anyone's reach to understand or control everything. All I can do is to understand me. Look for peace inside. Even if all the other wars end, as long as the war within us is still going on, we will not be in peace. If we are at peace with ourselves, then we will have that no matter what outer war is going on.

There is a smile that nothing can take away. This smile comes from such a deep place of peace and celebration that nothing in this world can take it away. That is the smile that each one of us can smile. The peace that resides in this place, in the heart, is the only peace that will do.

In a world at war, is inner peace possible?
There is a symphony playing inside. We can awaken to that possibility. That's all it is, a possibility. It is possible to be fulfilled, to be in peace within. It is possible to understand the value of each breath, to acknowledge the yearning for life. It is possible to turn pain into gratitude, doubt into knowing. It is possible to turn all the questions into one answer. One answer. What kind of answer? The one answer that does not have a question.

How can a person help peace manifest in their life?
Peace within is not something that can be created or invented. It is a process of unveiling the peace that already exists. It is more a matter of reduction. Eliminate everything else, and peace will be there because it is there in all of us. When does joy really come? When we stop doing all the other things that we do, we feel joy because joy is inherently inside of us. Peace and joy are inherently inside, and when we try to create them, we get further removed from them.

How does Knowledge help a person find peace?
Finding peace inside without any catalysts—finding just you—is what Knowledge is all about. This is what I offer. Nothing else. A lot of people expect that Knowledge will make them a complete human being. Not so. Each of us is already a complete human being. We could not be more complete. Nothing can be done to embellish a human being. In the most agitated person, I have seen peace. In the most hateful person, I have seen love.

When we are in that real place, when there is contentment, then there is peace. Then there is joy. And what does it need? It needs to be accepted. We need to acknowledge that in this life and to be content.

How do you help people find peace?
I help people understand that there is hope and that there is a bigger purpose in life than all the mundane things that we find ourselves caught up in. I tell people that the answer to the need they have always felt in their lives has always been inside. I tell people if they are looking for peace, the place to look for it is inside.

This “inside” is where I can help. I give four techniques that allow a person to turn inside and find peace within. This is not a philosophy. If these techniques of Knowledge did not exist, what I say would be philosophy. It would be meaningless—a lot of good words, but meaningless. What I offer is a practical way to be in peace within.

This is an opportunity. This is a gift. It cannot be bought or sold. I am not saying I am a prophet, or I am this, or I am that, but if you want peace in your heart, if you want joy in your heart, I offer a tool to go inside, to connect, and to feel.

I have the gift, the privilege, to be able to offer this possibility to feel tranquility, joy, peace. It does not matter what you call it. It cannot be labeled. Call it simple. Simple is best. And each human being has the gift of being able to feel that peace.

Tell us more about peace.
When a human being truly realizes that there is an absence of truth and happiness in his life, an absence of peace, then from within him comes a fire. A real fire to find peace burns for him, but not within his head. He starts to search.

That is the time to look for the thirst. It is the thirst within that propels us in the right direction. That is what we need—the rediscovery of that passion for joy. Let that be the driving force.
When this life feels full, when this breath is not thrown away, kindness begins to manifest. Kindness is the heart being filled with joy. That is when peace comes into our lives. That is when we begin to find the resolution to our problems. And it is not that our problems are resolved, but that we find within a simplicity that is magnificent.

Nov 9, 2003

Following is a brief excerpt from an address by Prem Rawat (Maharaji) at the University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain.

Fulfilling the oldest dream

"It’s an honor to be here to talk about a very simple subject—peace. There are a lot of ideas about peace and I’m not here to add more, but to present a very simple possibility.

When are we going to acknowledge the peace that we need in our lives? When are we going to take the first steps to fulfill the oldest dream that mankind has had? Peace is a fundamental desire of every human being. It needs acknowledgment, and it needs to be realized, fulfilled. We need to turn within ourselves to find the answers for peace. We’re not going to find them outside. They are written in the very pages that reside in the heart of every single human being regardless of who they are, what their belief is, or what they have done.

I have a dream that all civilizations, all people will be in peace. People say to me, “Isn’t that an impossible ideal?” Then I say to myself, “If that is true, then it is the only ideal worth having. That is something I can try to help with.” And that’s what I do. The amazing thing is, that to have peace on the outside, you have to have peace on the inside. This is not new. Everyone knows this. And to find peace on the inside is the most simple process of all because it is already there. It does not have to be created. It is there to discover, to have, to enjoy.

The thirst for peace lies within all of us. Around the world, I have found the currency not to be common, language not to be common, clothing not to be common, food not to be common. But the desire to be fulfilled is common to everyone. That’s what I am addressing.

I travel around the world bringing this message to people, and I hope people listen to it, that they get something out of it. I’m not preaching, nor am I teaching. All I’m doing is presenting a possibility. Peace is important to me, and I hope that peace is important to you. Because, after all, when I look at the horizon, if I have to imagine the world without peace, it is, indeed, a very grim prospect. When I see the light on the horizon, I certainly hope it is the light of the peace that dances, waiting to shine in my life, in my time."

Nov 7, 2003

Maharaji's (Prem Rawat) Message of Peace Hailed as 'Noble' at Salamanca University Peace Conference

SALAMANCA, Spain, June 30 /PRNewswire/ -- Speaking at the University of Salamanca's first "Conference on Peace," Prem Rawat, an internationally known voice for peace, said, "Peace within is necessary in our lives in order for us to become complete as human beings." His keynote address was delivered before a capacity audience that included members of the senate, of the congress as well as civic and business leaders.

Prem Rawat, also known as Maharaji, addressed a distinguished audience in the Paraninfo, the Great Hall of the 13th century Salamanca university, 200kilometers north of Madrid: "I have a dream that all civilizations, all people on the face of the earth will soon live in peace. To those that say, 'Isn't that reaching too far?' I say, 'If that is true, then it is the only ideal worth having.'"

In his address, he went on to point out that people everywhere need to openly acknowledge that "peace is a fundamental desire of every human being. It needs to be recognized and fulfilled. We need to turn within ourselves to find the answers for peace. We are not going to find them outside or on top of some mountain."

Calling his message, "noble," University of Salamanca Vice Rector D. Jose Maria Hernandez Diaz, who delivered the opening address of the "Peace is Necessary," conference, said "Prem Rawat talks about peace from a very original perspective. We are used to hearing about peace from a political or sociological perspective as the absence of war, and we normally put the responsibility for peace on governments or political organizations. But he talks about peace from a human perspective and highlights the important role of each human being in bringing peace to the world."

Following the conference, Prem Rawat spoke at three successive events at the Madrid International Fairgrounds. On June 21, expanding upon the theme he developed in the Salamanca conference, he declared in front of an audience of more than 5,700: "There are advertisements everywhere that tell us about what we could have, not what we need. There are no advertisements for peace. Yet the key ingredient missing in all that is happening in the world is the cry in the heart of each one of us for peace."

Highlights from Maharaji's keynote address in Salamanca
Miami Beach Mayor David Dermer Honors Prem Rawat (Maharaji) for Contribution to City

MIAMI, June 18 /PRNewswire/ -- Citing "his tireless efforts" in helping "many people find inner peace and fulfillment," Miami Beach Mayor David Dermer bestowed the traditional "Keys to the City" on Prem Rawat, known internationally as a leading voice for peace. The Mayor thanked Prem Rawat (Maharaji), who many also know as Maharaji, for attracting over the years well over 220,000 people from across the U.S. and abroad, who visited the famed resort city to hear his inspiring addresses. In his presentation remarks, Mayor Dermer noted that many who came to Miami to listen to Prem Rawat "ended up making Miami Beach their home. They bought properties and created businesses including leading construction and real estate companies and well-known restaurants. Some have become civic activists, sitting on redevelopment boards." Since 1977, the 46 events in which Prem Rawat has spoken have contributed "more than $90 million" to the city's economy, according to the Mayor, and have created positive national and international publicity for the city. Prior to the keys-presenting ceremony, Prem Rawat, a one-time Miami Beach resident, held another packed two-day event at the city's Theater of Performing Arts, addressing a standing-room-only audience in the 2,700 seat hall. The event was the final stop this year of a successful six week U.S. tour where more than 18,700 people came to hear him. "We hope that Prem Rawat continues to make Miami Beach a venue for bringing his message of peace," said Mayor Dermer. Accepting the honor from the mayor, Prem Rawat, lauded the hospitality of the people in the city and expressed his "hope to be able to keep coming back and holding many more events in Miami Beach in the years ahead.
for more information contact
Internationally-Known Speaker on College Speaking Tour Makes Plea For Renewed Focus on Inner Life as Path to Personal, World Peace

FT. LAUDERDALE, Fla., May 20 /PRNewswire/-- Maharaji, the internationally-known teacher who has addressed 4.5 million people around the world on achieving inner peace and contentment, recently brought his special insights and perception to Nova Southeastern University, a stop on a national collegiate tour that also included the University of California at Berkeley and the University of Colorado at Boulder.

Speaking before a capacity audience of students, faculty, and guests, Prem Rawat, also known as Maharaji, questioned the modern obsession with external goals as the path to personal happiness and fulfillment. "We do so much to fulfill ourselves on the outside," Prem Rawat said. "We create massive institutions as we seek to expand our outer horizons, yet overlook our inner horizons. It's perfectly fine to learn about the world, but we must also learn about the heart because true peace is not found outside. Within the heart of every human being lies the possibility for being fulfilled and discovering what is real in life." In an address covering many aspects of the contemporary quest for a more fulfilled existence, he placed particular emphasis on "the importance of recognizing what it means to be alive" and the need to strengthen the search for peace within first.

" Right now there are a thousand explanations for why we should have wars, but hardly any about why we should have peace. With all the research that is done to efficiently destroy one another, there should be some research done to understand how we can save each other."

" Peace," he stated, "is not an impossible dream for the world." But he also stressed it is something that "begins with each of us. It does not begin with nations. It does not begin with giant institutions. Everyone waits for someone else will bring peace. But we can do this ourselves. We start to say, 'I need peace in my life and let it begin with me,' that is the day we are going to see profound change."

He ended his remarks with an affirmation of the simple value of being alive. "Try to live your life more consciously. For every day -- for every breath -- be thankful."

For more information please contact

Excerpt - Nova University
Excerpt = Colorado University
Excerpt - Belkeley
Prem Rawat (Maharaji) - Leader in Inner Peace Says People, Including World Leaders, Should Give Peace a Chance by Looking Inward

NEW DELHI, India, March 10 /PRNewswire/ -- With the threat of another calamitous war now hanging over the Middle East, Prem Rawat, an internationally recognized leader and speaker to 4.5 million worldwide, writing in the prestigious "Times of India" this week, made an appeal to world leaders and people generally to "give peace a chance" by turning inward.

Citing mounting intolerance, a failure of reason, and indifference to the sanctity of human life as the root cause of war, he argues that war is not basically an issue of institutions, "but rather of men's hearts. It is people who start wars. Before a war starts outside, it begins inside." Prem Rawat's message is that these issues are personal to each individual. The admonition, "don't go to war" at the beginning of the article refers not to the current geopolitical situation, but is directed to each individual. “The war on the inside is more dangerous because it is a fire that may never be quenched. Wars are being fought because peace is not being found inside by those who make wars."

Noting that all peoples are searching for something, Prem Rawat tells "Times of India" readers, that finding peace within is, for most, not easy. It must be carefully mined, he wrote. Taking out what we need -- what is precious -- and discarding what is not.

" Peace sees no distinctions," he points out. "It does not care if we are rich, if we are poor, or what religions we belong to. It does not care what country we live in. Peace lies in our hearts, waiting to be fulfilled."

" Peace is when the heart is no longer in duality; when the struggle within has been resolved. When peace comes to the heart, serenity follows. Love comes flooding in, uncontrolled. Joy cannot be held back. It bursts through because something is right. That is the meaning of peace."

Prem Rawat closes his commentary with a heartfelt appeal: "of all the things we have tried in this world, there is one thing that we have never given a chance. Will we give peace a chance?"

For full text of editorial from The Times of India article please click here.

SOURCE The Prem Rawat Foundation
CONTACT: The Prem Rawat Foundation, +1-310-392-5700/

Nov 5, 2003

An Interview with Maharaji

By David Schner, President, LEADERS magazine

How do you define Knowledge, and how is it different from other forms of introspection?
The Knowledge that I am speaking of is fundamental to one’s being. It is the core of who you are. It is not about changing behavior. Rather, it is about feeling more centered within yourself.

Some teachers say, “Let’s see what you can accomplish. How can we make you a success?” I focus much more on the person. Rather than show people what they could do, I say, “Look, you have been given the gift of life. You have been given a treasure within you. Why don’t you address your own treasure? Why don’t you address your innermost feeling?”

Do you see Knowledge as essential to achieving success, or is it more a question of simply adding value to people’s lives?
Well, you can look at it both ways. Whatever you are trying to pursue, Knowledge will augment your chances of true success. And if a person is just trying to feel good within, then Knowledge will definitely help. I can’t claim that it will make a person successful in business, nor that it has any particular health benefits. Some people say so, but I dispute that. What I do believe is that the journey toward joy, contentment, inner peace, or whatever it is you are pursuing begins with you.

How do you define success?
If you do not feel successful within yourself, then it doesn’t matter how successful you are on the outside. There is always going to be a distinction between the two. Once you draw the distinction between you and everything else, it’s very easy to see that outward success is not what really matters.

Is it difficult to convince people that inner success is as important as success on the outside?
It’s not really a question of convincing them. Once you accept that success begins with you, everything else becomes secondary. People have to experience this fundamental shift for themselves and then, rich or poor, it’s very easy for them to start grasping the principles of Knowledge.

So what exactly does Knowledge change in a person?
I don’t say that Knowledge will bring outward changes in personality. It may, but it may not. There are no guarantees. But Knowledge will bring a fundamental change within you. There will be a shift, and you will find peace, joy, and harmony, and most importantly, you will find yourself—the real self.

It’s as if you were in a boat being taken up and down by all the waves. Then, suddenly, the boat just takes off and glides on smooth, calm air. You stop being subject to all the ups and downs that continue to happen. If you are able to find peace within yourself, then maybe you will become a better person, and that could make a difference to everything else in your life. But that will always be up to you.

Can you describe the process of reaching Knowledge?
People listen to me, and if they are interested, they pursue their interest and come to more of my lectures. They don’t move on to the next stage until they are convinced it’s really for them. Each person proceeds at his or her own pace. This can take a few weeks, several months, or in some cases, years. After they’re sure they’re interested, I teach them some techniques that allow them to get in touch with the simplicity that is inside all of us. It’s really a question of presenting the possibilities to people.

Oct 14, 2003

Following is a brief excerpt from an address by Maharaji at Nova Southeastern University in Ft. Lauderdale. Florida.

A Winning Life

"What I have to talk about is something very simple because it has to do with each one of us, with our existence, with the feeling of being alive. We do so much in our lives to fulfill ourselves on the outside. We create massive structures and institutions, all so we can be fulfilled. But do we have fulfillment in our life?

Within our society we surround ourselves with niceties. And we also know that when it gets down to the sharp end of things, we must prioritize. My favorite color might be red, but if my house is on fire, any bucket will do. We all have dreams and aspirations, but what is our real situation?
For each person, one thing that is real is the cry of the heart to be fulfilled. And inherently in the heart of every human being lies the possibility to be fulfilled. There is both the thirst to be fulfilled and the water that can fulfill the thirst. This is our true nature.

So what is our priority? Often our priorities are the ones that the have established by the people we want to be like. But what is my own quest, my own desire, my own mission in life? As a human being I have a bias towards peace, towards joy. It is inherent, and it transcends the barriers of language and culture. Peace is not in far distant corners of this world; peace is within me. I don’t need to go to a mountaintop to feel it, or to turn down the boom box, or to travel to distant corners of the world. My peace is within.

How do we connect with that peace? There is no formula. It begins with recognizing what it means to be alive, the importance of life itself. Peace begins with recognizing that the heart wants peace, that people have always wanted peace. This is not a new request. And peace is possible. Peace is a very possible dream, but it does not begin with nations or institutions. It begins with each one of us. When we start to say, “Yes, I need peace in my life, and let it begin with me,” we begin to perceive life differently. We begin to take responsibility for our innermost priority. And if the heart can be placed before everything else, what we have is a winning life. "

Oct 9, 2003

Following is a brief excerpt from an address by Prem Rawat at the University of California at Berkeley.

Finding the Balance

"I travel all over the world, but I don’t go to see countries. I have never seen a place I could call a country. What I see is people. We may relate to ourselves by our language, our culture, or our religion, but we are essentially the same. We have the same aspiration. We all want peace in our lives.

We have thousands of explanations for war, but not one why we should have peace. We’ve got a problem here. When it comes to war, there is a lot of active participation. We create new weapons and train people to use them.

When it comes to peace, we wait for the clouds to part or a magic wand to be waved so then there shall be peace upon earth. I don’t understand. If war requires active participation, which it does, then peace requires active participation as well. And that active participation is not going to happen by having a lot of debates. It is a matter of uncovering and looking at the reality of people, at what people want whether they are rich or poor. We have learned about how we are different, but we haven’t learned how to look at another human being like ourselves. We forget the nature of who we are and the treasure we have been given, and we cannot afford to do that. We cannot forget that our heart is knocking every day and calling to us, “Be in peace, feel joy, because that is a reality that can happen.”

It takes active participation, and that begins with recognizing our own thirst. Once we can recognize our thirst, water becomes important. What kind of thirst is this? The thirst that says, Understand the preciousness of life, of each breath. How does that happen? It is like learning to ride a bike. You get on and you are told to pedal, look forward, and balance, but you can’t do it all and you fall. Then comes a moment when you have it. You take off, and there is no looking back. From that moment on, you have achieved your sense of balance.

This is what I am talking about. Achieving that sense of balance in your life. The very thing that says, Get in touch with your self, or what Socrates calls, “Know thyself.” Do. When you find that balance in your life, it makes a difference."

Oct 8, 2003

Following is a brief excerpt from an address by Prem Rawat (Maharaji) at the University of Colorado at Boulder.

It Is Your Journey

"Whether playing golf, flying airplanes, or thinking about frying chilies—whatever we do is made possible by the courtesy of this thing called life. We can do very little if life is not there.

In this journey of life, we pick up a lot of luggage, and walking becomes miserably slow. Someone comes along and says, “Maybe you don’t need to carry all of that. Look at the simplicity of your existence.”

What is calling us? What is the aspiration of every single human being regardless of who they are, where they live, what they do, and what they think? What has our heart been saying through all the good and bad things that have happened?

We have had a thirst, a desire, since we were very young. And no matter how old we get, that child is still there with the same thirst. Hope is within the heart of everyone wanting the same thing—to feel peace, joy, contentment. “Show me a way to turn within and feel for myself. Not some theory or nice words, but feel for myself, as real as feeling water in my mouth when I am thirsty.” Theory is great, but someday it has to become real.

Could it be that we go along in our lives looking at our future and our past, not paying attention to the present? Yet we are stuck in the moment called now, and this is where we will be for the rest of our lives. All our tomorrows will come as now. We can only go one step at a time on this journey.

We have the most priceless gift—breath. All the money and technology in the world can’t touch it. We cannot give it to someone else, steal it or borrow it. Breath comes freely, day and night. Because it does, we can dance, look, talk, dream—all the things we do. Some people ask why. But to the thirsty person in the desert, it doesn’t matter who built the well. All that matters is water and quenching their thirst.

For those who are thirsty, I can help. It is your journey. I cannot make it faster or slow it down. I can offer you a mirror so that when you want to see your self, you can. Someday you may feel a need for a joy. And when you do, look me up. I can help."