The Simplest Process
"Everyone is interested in peace; war often seems to be looming in the near future. War and peace the two words are so often said together. Let's remove the word war and talk about peace the peace that is felt in the heart of human beings. The peace that I talk about is the peace that we need even when there is no war. The peace that I talk about can be felt when the heart is still.
We think that peace is when countries stop fighting. It is good when that happens, but it is much better when we stop fighting within ourselves. The manifestation of wars is the macrocosm. We are the microcosm. The war needs to stop within each one of us.
Peace is within us, not out there. Peace is not the absence of war. Peace is when war has ended within me, when I have peace on the inside. That is true peace.
And to find peace on the inside is the simplest process of all because it is already there. It does not have to be created. It does not have to be manufactured. It has only to be discovered. Maybe the time has come to finally acknowledge that one very thing that we have not yet acknowledged. And when, in my life, I can begin to feel the necessity for peace, then at least I have played my part in bringing peace.
I travel the world bringing this message to people. And I hope people get something out of it. I m not preaching, nor am I teaching. All I m doing is presenting a possibility. Peace is important to me because when I look at the horizon and imagine this world without peace, it is a very grim prospect. And when I see the light on the horizon, I certainly hope it is the light of the peace that dances, waiting to shine in my life, in my time.
Yes, I have a dream that all civilizations, that all people on the face of the earth will be in peace. And people say to me, Isn t that reaching too far? Isn t that an impossible ideal? And then I say to myself: Even if it is an ideal, it is the only ideal worth having. And if it is possible, then yes, it must be something that I can try to help bring about. That's what I do."