Aug 21, 2004

Inspire newsletter

thumb_Emma3Inspire keeps evolving to better convey the richness of Maharaji's message.

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'The Greatest Play on Earth' - Maharaji

It is often said that this world is a stage. We can sit down and watch the play or get up on stage and see if we can do it better. Maharaji says we can also do something else, and that is to enjoy this life, this existence. He says that peace has everything to do with enjoyment—enjoyment of the greatest play on earth.

Read an excerpt and see photos.

Aug 10, 2004

Maharaji speaks at Harvard University's Sanders Theatrethumb_1_25Maharaji addressed an audience that included faculty, community leaders, and students at Sanders Theatre, Harvard University, at an event sponsored by The Prem Rawat Foundation. Many of the most venerable academic, political, and literary figures of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, including Winston Churchill, Theodore Roosevelt, and Martin Luther King, have taken the podium at Sanders Theatre.
Read an excerpt, watch a video clip, and see photos
Read the press release

Aug 2, 2004

'Ultimate Gift' - MaharajiWhen complexity is removed, Maharaji says, beauty is there. Clarity is what we want, and it is within. The heart, he says, is full of answers without questions, and we can accept these answers rather than the answers the world is trying to give. The challenge in life, he says, is to understand the beauty that lies within and to have access to it whenever we want.
Read an excerpt, watch a video clip and see photos.