Oct 25, 2007

Prem Rawat - "When You Find Yourself Alive"

Prem Rawat
“All of a sudden, you find yourself alive. Now what do you do?” asks Prem Rawat. “You try to find some meaning, some answers.” While you are alive, he says, “you have the opportunity to fulfill yourself. This has been the possibility for every human being throughout time. And this is your possibility.”
Read an excerpt and see photos or download the print version

TPRF Breakfast Program for Indigenous Australian School Children Exceeds Expectations

TPRF Breakfast Program for Indigenous Australian School Children Exceeds Expectations
In less than a year, the School Breakfast Program funded by TPRF in partnership with Oxfam Australia has more than doubled in size and has helped bring about dramatic improvements in school attendance and performance. An Oxfam official said, “In addition to the direct health benefits, teachers have commented on the children’s improved behavior and performance in class.”
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