May 29, 2007

TPRF’s Food for People Brings Hope to Villagers in India

TPRF’s Food for People Brings Hope to Villagers in India
Food for People, a custom-built facility funded by The Prem Rawat Foundation, has served over 150,000 hot meals to tribal villagers in northeastern India in its first year, making marked progress in reversing the cycle of devastating poverty and malnutrition.

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Prem Rawat - 'Peace Begins with You'

Prem Rawat - ' Peace Begins with You'
“Something has been the quest of every civilization,” says Prem Rawat. “The thirst for peace. The thirst for peace lies within you, and peace is also within you. You are the first step. Peace begins with you, not somebody else. All our lives, things have come from somewhere else. But the process of peace begins with you.”
Read an excerpt and see photos or download the print version

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Prem Rawat 'A Witness to Beauty'

Maharaji / Prem Rawat
Maharaji, as Prem Rawat is widely known, talks about a way to look within where people can be introduced to themselves. “If you ever want to see a wonder,” he says, “I suggest you take a look at yourself. Not the concepts, not the ideas, not the goods, not the bads. But a timeless purity of existence. A witness to the beauty that is.”

Watch a video clip

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May 15, 2007

'What You Practice' - by Maharaji

Prem Rawat // Maharaji“What do you practice in your life?” Maharaji asks. “Whatever you practice, you’re going to get good at. If you practice peace, you’re going to get very good at it. If you practice knowing yourself, you’re going to get very good at it. And you will know who you are.”
Watch a video clip of an excerpt of this address by Maharaji

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Prem Rawat - 'Explanations'

Prem Rawat // Maharaji
Although people want to explain everything, some things need to be felt not explained, Prem Rawat says. “You cannot explain water. If you are thirsty, you need to drink it. You cannot explain food. If you are hungry, you need to eat it. You cannot explain what this existence means. It can only be felt.”
Read an excerpt and see photos or download the print version

The Prem Rawat Grant Brings Relief to Flood Victims in Sumatra

TPRF Grant Brings Relief to Flood Victims in Sumatra
About 2,400 Indonesian villagers stranded by floods received emergency supplies for two weeks, thanks to a grant from TPRF to the Yayasan IDEP Foundation. The grant also helped bring clean water to about 5,000 people.
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